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Tips to Prepare a Retail Footfall Analysis survey

'The end is where you start from'

To ensure a successful outcome in a Make Public survey, it is necessary to understand what is to be delivered, then gather together the ingredients that will play a part.

Platforms and engines for visual storytelling need to be prepped, the type of survey analysis needs to be selected, and the data collection and upload templates need to be created and tested. Any errors here could lose a significant part of the analysis.

Then consideration needs to be given to collecting the data. Is it available online or a business accounting system, and does it need preparation before use? How much might this cost? Or does it need to be collected through online or face to face surveying. And how is the data collected made representative?

So before any data is collected, the method is carefully scoped and collection risks identified to ensure the analysis system will work correctly.

If a survey is to be face to face, we employ interviewers, or train client staff, the number needed depending on the size of survey and time period for the data collection. We select select an online survey tool and hire internet-enabled iPads, and ensure the machines operate correctly. Appropriate locations are determined to reduce risk of data collection skew. And tests carried out to avoid risk of low signal strengths in some locations. 

So by starting at the end and working back to he start we ensure all of the events and ingredients are in place to run a successful retail footfall analysis.

Need to prepare a retail survey soon?  Why not talk to us.

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