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Case Studies

Case Study - International Stress Management Association (ISMA)

For the last three years, Make Public have run annual ISMA membership surveys to co-incide with their London Stress Awareness Day Conferences. The next survey is taking place in early 2020. 

Each survey aims to draw out data on particular themes which is used to inform conference and ISMA's membership. In 2017, the theme was examining the effect of work-related stress, and getting opinion on how this may have changed over five years, see:


In 2018 the survey covered Workplace Stress and Automation, and sought to explore the concerns employees may have with AI, Data Harvesting, and Workplace Automation. There were striking findings and the survey continues to be a reference source.


The 2020 Survey will return to a more traditional topic of stress awareness and the law following a court case that fees for those bringing employment tribunal claims have been ruled unlawful.

All these surveys were peer reviewed from designing questions to survey promotion, response gathering, and analysing results. The practice is incorporated into our Retail Footfall Analysis methodology.

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